The problem of gender-based violence is insufficient
The problem of gender-based violence is insufficient.
A study conducted among 200 male and female athletes, including professionals and amateurs and document studies in several European countries confirmed the preliminary assumptions of the authors of the study that gender-based violence in Bulgarian sports and in particular one of its most common forms – Sexual violence and harassment – common but insufficient research and not covered in the Code of Ethics of sports organizations and federations. The study was carried out by Foundation Bilitis in the framework of the Fair Play project, implemented by Association Bokaya, with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. The main goal of the project is to improve gender equality and help combat gender-based violence in sport. All of this needs to assess the current situation with regard to gender-based violence in sport. Participation in the survey is anonymous, and the purpose of collecting demographic data according to the profile of survey participants. In our country, violence based on the field of sports is an insufficiently effective study, but some publications in the sports media are unequivocal that gender stereotypes are one of the causes of insults and aggression in sports. According to the online survey, 31.2% of respondents have witnessed sexual abuse or harassment of their teammates or members of another club, and 11.2% have been the victim of sexual harassment or gender-based violence. Nearly 30% of respondents have heard insulting allegations about the victim’s actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity several times a year. Regarding the prevention of gender-based violence in sports, 87.3% of respondents believe that coaches play an important role in the prevention of sexual violence / harassment in the club. As many as 90% of respondents agree that every controversial club should have a domestic policy and code of ethics that helps prevent gender-based violence in sport, as well as prevent offensive language and often sexual acts. The confirmation of the Bulgarian preliminary assumptions of the authors of the lack of research that violence based on polysports and in particular one of its most common forms – sexual violence and harassment – is common, well researched and not affected by modern codes of ethics organizations and federations. Bulgaria is also one of the countries where prevention practices are lacking.